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Playing Bagpipe

About Alec

I've played the bagpipes since I was 9 years old and now I am here to help aspiring bagpipers become confident on the practice chanter and transition to the pipes!


Receiving professional bagpiper instruction, I won many medals competing in solo piping (Grade 3) in highland games across Canada. Before I could progress to the next level of competition I set my competitive piping aside for rugby and track & field. 


I also learned many other instruments including trumpet, Irish whistles, the bodhran, and a bit of mandolin.


After stopping competitions, piping remained an important part of my life. I went busking in the city, played in pub crawls with pipe bands, and performed at various weddings & funerals. I taught myself the bellows-blown Scottish small pipes and wrote half a dozen of my own tunes.


In the fall of 2019, I started teaching myself the banjo and discovered the amazing teacher, Jim Pankey, on YouTube. His instructional videos easily helped me play multiple songs on the banjo.


I was inspired to share my piping knowledge and love for teaching with beginner bagpipers. 

I started doing free bagpipe lessons on YouTube using the same teaching style that had worked best for me.


I am very thankful for all the aspiring pipers who have supported the growth of my humble YouTube Channel into a Facebook Group, multiple online Tune Workshops, a Monthly Membership, and Bagpipe Coaching Services. 

You never know what can be achieved if you just keep on piping on.


Remember, You've got this! Happy piping :)

About Get Bagpipe Ready

Online chanter Lessons & workshops to fast forward your bagpiping journey! Skip the mundane, boring exercises and get proper techniques whilst having FUN adding new tunes to your bagpiping repertoire!


Get Bagpipe Ready is AWESOME!


What Are Other Pipers Saying?


I always dreamed of playing the bagpipes, call me crazy! My wife bought me a chanter for my birthday, and the first few days I was immediately discouraged, and ready to give up. I was upset my wife bought me something cool and I just couldn’t figure it out. Then I discovered get bagpipe ready! After just one or two videos I could make out the tune “Amazing grace”, and “Happy birthday” and I was amazed! If you’re thinking about signing up, don’t think, do it!! The way Alec walks you through each tune makes it easy for a COMPLETE beginner! You will be amazed how fast you start picking up tunes. It’s very motivating, and addicting! Thank you for all your help Mr. Bagpiping Master!! 

Uriah, Bagpiper


Atholl Highlanders
Auld Lang Syne
Amazing Grace & Beginner Bagpiping 101 Workshop
Battle of the Somme
Bonnie Dundee
Carol of the Bells
Cock O' The North
Copperhead Road
Danny Boy
The Dark Isle
The Final Count down
Flowers of the Forest
Flower of Scotland
Frere Jacques
The Gael
Garry Owen
Glasgow City Police Pipers
Going Home
The Green Hills of Tyrol
Greensleeves (What Child is This)
Happy Birthday
Hector the Hero
Highland Cathedral
Highland Laddie
Hot Cross Buns
How Great Thou Art
I'd Love to Teach The World to Sing
I'll Tell Me Ma
The Little Drummer Boy
Loch Rannoch
A Man's a Man For a' That
Magnificent 7
Mairi's Wedding
The Minstrel Boy
Mist Covered Mountains
My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean

Orange and Blue
Paddy's Leather Breeches
Road to the Isles
The Rowan Tree
Scotland The Brave
Scots Wha Hae
Skye Boat Song
Star Wars
Unchained Melody
The Wearing of the Green
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
When the Battle's Over
Whiskey in the Jar

Free Online Bagpipe Workshops

Free Online Bagpipe Workshops

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Learn to Play The Bagpipe Chanter Scale The Fun Way!

Happy Birthday On The Bagpipes (Lesson 1)

Learn To Play The Last Post on the Bagpipes - Lesson 1

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